Thursday, July 9, 2009

Geoff Thomas' 9000+ Mile Ride Across America For Awareness.

Geoff Thomas of Australia, who has Discoid Lupus, rode from America's east coast to the west and then back to the east, in an effort to raise awareness for a very prominent disease. What once was considered a rare disease has quickly become one of the more prevalent diseases of our time... On average each person knows at least one person who has Lupus, whether they realize this or not. This is partly due to delayed diagnosis, as it can take 3 to 15 years, or more in come cases, to be properly diagnosed with lupus. There are no definitive tests to diagnose the disease due to a lack of research and understanding of it's complicated nature.

Lupus a "connective tissue autoimmune disease (CTD)" is not only misunderstood by the general public but by many physicians as well. Some of the reasons for the confusions is again, a lack of research, lack of awareness, as well as a lack of media coverage. Why media coverage?...

Connective tissue diseases are now more prevalent than cancer, yet most have never heard those words. There's a need for more media attention for fund raiser events as well as triumphs such as Geoff's ride across the country and back. Which, with lupus, is certainly no easy task. With more coverage comes more awareness and awareness is the key to getting more research. Research can bring better treatment options, which, eventually could bring a cure. The main treatment options currently approved for lupus are autoimmune suppressant steroids. The side effects of this treatment can be riskier to one's health in the long run than the actual disease, as they cause cancer. Steroids also are difficult on patients as they change the person's facial features as well as causing other painful physical changes, stealing the person's identity. They also cause uncontrollable mood swings and personality changes, making it even more difficult for the patient and their families to cope.

Geoff Thomas' motivation to launch the word "Lupus" into international vocabularies world-wide, is one to be admired. He's completed several rides, is currently working on a book about Lupus, he runs an international support magazine (The Wide Word of Lupus) for those living with the disease as well as for their loved ones and Geoff is involved with various foundations internationally.

Geoff, a hero to many with the disease is always coming up with innovative ways to help educate others on this disease and to bring much needed awareness. I guess you can call Geoff Thomas, The Super Hero of Lupus, at least that's how those of us with the disease feel about him... I believe you will as well when you read about his ride across America and back. (article linked below)

Thank you Geoff for being the crusader that this disease has long awaited for.

ABC in New South Whales did a wonderful article about Geoff, please take a moment to visit the following link: ABC: Sydney butcher rides for lupus in the US

Thank you for visiting and please, help spread awareness, it only takes a couple clicks and a few seconds of your time to make a difference.

To learn more about Lupus and what it is like to live with the disease, please visit Geoff's forum as well as the video posted below. Thank you.

The Wide World of Lupus Forum: The Wide World of Lupus Forum and Site

Alliance for Lupus Research: Alliance for Lupus Research Website

Video on Lupus: What is Lupus and Living with Lupus


Thank you for your support,
Michelle MinderMassey

Friday, July 3, 2009

Did Michael Jackson Die From Lupus? Would explain a lot of the so-called "weird" stuff.

(It has been confirmed that MJ did suffer from Lupus and Vitiligo. Please do a google search titled Michael Jackson Lupus.

Larry King on CNN did a great show last night (July 8th, 2009) that also talks about MJ suffering from these diseases.

In addition here is a link to ABC news coverage of the same: )

Michael Jackson is said to have had Vilitigo and Lupus which can often cause a massive heart attack between the ages of 40 and 50. All the disguises, the masks, the things that labeled him as "weird" are actually not weird at all. Find out why all those things now make so much sense. With Lupus and it's treatment, you suffer physical (changes in appearance) as well as emotional changes from often used, immune suppressant steroid medication. both diseases tend to run together and both require all skin to be covered and kept away from the sun and florescent lighting, as the UVs flare both of these diseases.

Yes the beginning of part one is slightly redundant but it gets more and more interesting and leads into PART 2 which talks more about Michael and the "media effect".... Please share and spread awareness on two fronts: 1)People should know the truth and the media should stop with the "weird" lines as they were well aware that MJ had Lupus and Vitiligo for more than a decade and chose to ignore it. 2) Lupus affects more than 1.5 MILLION Americans alone, yet most people know little or nothing about this very complicated disease. VIDEO BELOW:

Help spread awareness on two fronts: Please visit the youtube side of the vids to comment or rate. -- Youtube user activity helps keep videos up in the search index. Everytime you do something to help ensure others learn about Lupus you are helping 1.5 Million people in America alone, and literally Millions upon Millions of others who are suffering from a form of Connective Tissue Diseases, such as Vitiligo, Multiple Sclerosis, Chrones, Scleroderma, etc.. - as CTDs are now more prevalent than cancer in America.

All forms of CTDs desperately lack research. So YOU are literally helping MILLIONS with only 2 to 5 seconds of your time.

Please support awareness by rating or commenting on the youtube side of these vids so they will show up when words like "lupus," "vilitigo" or "connective tissue disease" are search for.